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Mikki Ansin Photography

Mikki Ansin


Best-known for her behind-the-scenes stills of Hollywood films, Mikki Ansin has travelled the world as a photojournalist for over 40 years. Her photos have been published in the International Herald Tribune, The New York Times, The London Times, TIME, LIFE, People and Paris Match.

Ansin’s career started as a photojournalist specializing in people, politics and film. Her career launched in the mid 1970s, when her photo of the little-known presidential candidate Jimmy Carter ran as a double-page spread in the New York Times Sunday magazine. Since then, Mikki has worked for and photographed the Kennedys, and worked with Merchant Ivory Productions, Gamma/Liaison Agency and Getty Images. She has also lectured at the Pont-Aven School of Contemporary Art and in Aix-en-Provence and Florence, Italy. Her work is collected by The Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris), the Kennedy Library, the United States Information Agency (USIA) and numerous private collectors. Some of her awards and achievements in photography include the American Society of Media Photographers “Best of 2012,” a CINE Golden Eagle, first place stills at the Deauville Film Festival, honors in the PS3 Prix de le Photographie Paris and a White House appointment to the Board of Governors of the USO.


M.S. Film, School of Public Communication, Boston University. Boston, MA
B.A. English Literature, Wheaton College. Norton, MA
Certificat d’Etudes Francaises, Universite des Langues et Lettres, Grenoble, France
Lecturer, Pont-Aven School of Contemporary Art. Brittany, France
Photography lecturer, Aix-en-Provence and Versailles, France, and Florence, Italy
White House Appointment, Board of Governors of the USO


ASMP Best of 2012 - featured photographer
CINE Golden Eagle
Finalist, American Film Festival
Certificate of Creative Excellence, U.S. Industrial Film Festival
3 time winner for production stills: Deauville Film Festival
Special Citation, Maya Deren Award for master’s thesis film at Boston University
2007 Honorable Mention PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris, France


American Society of Media Photographers Inc.
American Society of Picture Professionals
American Photographic Artists/Editorial Photographers
International Cinematographers Guild (IATSE) Local 600
Women in Film and Video
Women in Photography



'Rose, a Portrait of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy'
'Creating Joan Fabrics: From Drawing Board to Delivery Truck'


Knight and Day
Bunker Hill
27 Dresses
Drive-in Horror Movie
The Education of Charlie Banks
Mystic Masseur
Harvard Man
Monument Ave
Next Stop Wonderland
The Proposition
The Matchmaker
The Mouse
Willoughbys Wonders
To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday
Mrs. Winterborne
Never Met Picasso
Lorenzos Oil
With Honors
Hocus Pocus
Against the Law
Maverick Square
Once Around
Mr. & Mrs. Bridge
The Deceivers
Street Musicians of Bombay
Slaves of New York
The Bostonians
The Europeans
The Fitzgeralds & The Kennedys
Three Sovereigns for Sarah
Howards End
Remains of the Day
Jefferson in Paris


ABC (Good Morning America)
American Film
American Photographer
The Alaska Railroad brochures
The Boston Globe
The Boston Herald
Bloomberg Business Week
Business Week
CBS Morning News
Chicago Tribune
Dallas Morning News
The Daily Beast
The Dial
Entertainment Weekly
Family Weekly
Gentlemen’s Quarterly
Good Housekeeping
House and Garden
Info World Magazine
Ladies Home Journal
McCalls Magazine
Motorboating & Sailing
National Observer
NBC Network News
New Age Journal
The New York Times
New York Magazine
New York Observer
Parents Magazine
PC Week
Philadelphia Inquirer
Photo District News
Publishers Weekly
Spy Magazine
TV Guide
The Utne Reader
US News & World Report
Vanity Fair
Vermont Life
Washington Monthly
Washington Post
World and I

Internationally published in more than 30 countries, including France: Le Figaro, Paris Match, England: Sight and Sound, The Times of London, Greece, Italy, Japan, Abu Dhabi, and Brazil.

Abu Dhabi, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and West Germany


Etges, Andres. John F. Kennedy. Statsmuseum Deutschen Historischen Museum. Chapter lV written by Mikki Ansin
Other publications by Simon & Schuster, Houghton Mifflin, Knopf, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Doubleday, and Little Brown.


APA/LA Curated Photography Exhibit, 2016, Santa Monica Art Studios

Café du Centre, solo exhibit, Pont-Aven, France

The Bonnieux Show, solo exhibit, Bonnieux, France

Boston Center for Adult Education, solo exhibit

Brattle Film Foundation auction, Cambridge, MA

IATSE local 600, still photographers exhibit, New York, NY

Centre for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO

Deauville Film Festival, Deauville, France

Cambridge City Hall, Mayor’s Office, Cambridge, MA

Walden House, San Francisco, CA

Boris Color Lab, Boston, MA

WGBH, Boston, MA

ZONA Photographics, Cambridge, MA

Cafe Moxie, Martha’s Vineyard, MA

USIA travelling exhibits

Lowell National Historic Park, Permanent exhibition, Lowell, MA

Yerevan-Cambridge Sister City Collection, Yerevan, Armenia


The Basketball Hall of Fame, Springfield, MA

La Bibliothéque National, Paris, France

Boston Public Library, Boston, MA

Boston University College of Communication, Boston, MA

Harvard Bookstore, Cambridge, MA

Harvard Business School, Cambridge, MA

The John F. Kennedy Library, Dorchester, MA

The Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation, Washington, DC

The Rose F. Kennedy Respite Care Center, Westland, MI

I am a getty artist ATSEI american society of media photographers american photographic artists

All images copyright © 2018 Mikki Ansin - All rights reserved.